1 January 2010

The (Not So) Sweet Smell Of Revenge

There are times in our lives when we have a burning desire to get even with some rather annoying people...

It could be because of things they've said about us, or to us.
Or, they have been a pain at work (they might even be our boss).
Or, their moronic political views have irritated us on many occasions (like, for example, Nick Griffin and his BNP croonies).

Nick Griffin is not my MEP
Image by spinneyhead via Flickr

So, what do we do to get even with them?
Apart from throwing eggs (or shoes) at them, that is.

Well, a French website, fumier.com, has a smelly but quite humourous solution: thanks to its founder, Roger Combotte, we now can send them some compost by post.

And it's good sh*t too...
I mean it's 100% natural and all.

image via fumier.com

What they do is send some compost in a nicely designed box to the person of your choice... No questions asked.

It's not free but, at least, it's more legal than throwing eggs. 

When I read about it in Le Point, I thought it was a great idea and I was wondering when they would offer that service to other European countries... I was nicely surprised when I found out that they do already offer that service to other countries in Europe as well as Canada.

Brilliant! What's Nick Griffin's address again? 
Or/and, while i'm at it, the EDL leader's one (when he is not in jail, that is)?

[As a bonus, the word "fumier" (printed on the box) is also an insult in French..]

Ah yes, I do love the (not so) sweet smell of revenge...

Loup Dargent

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