1 January 2011

Eleven Timelords, Three Doctor Who Theme Remixes, Some Pictures, And One Little Tribute Video...

I thought that it would be a great way to celebrate the New Year by taking you all on a journey through Time and Relative Dimension in Style... or, failing that, by sharing my latest little YouTube video with you guys.

It is Doctor Who related after all, isn't it?


Loup Dargent

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The Eleven Doctors

They're all in the video, of course, with the names of the actors who have played (plus the one who is currently playing) the role of our favourite time traveler and the years of their tenures included:

The Musical Background

Let's face it, a montage without any music would not cut it... Well, not for the kind of montages I enjoy making anyway. And, of course, the music had to be Doctor Who related one way or another.

Having learned the hard way in the past that the BBC doesn't always take kindly some of its material being used for Doctor Who fan made videos, I was rather pleased (and obviously releaved) to stumble upon the whomix site.

Here is an extract from what they say in their Info Page:
"The Delia Derbyshire production of the Doctor Who theme marked a significant milestone in the nascent field of electronic music. This site was created in 2003 (for the 40th anniversary of Doctor Who) to pay tribute to that milestone by providing a forum for the sharing of freely distributable amateur remixes, electronic or acoustic, faithful or pisstakes, of Ron Grainer and Delia Derbyshire's influential and timeless theme..."

Oh yes, they definitely got me at the "sharing of freely distributable amateur remixes, etc..." bit.
That was it, I knew that my prayer had been answered. I was now in Whovian Heavens!

The Musical Background - Part Two

Because of the video's length, I've used three of the remixes available on Whomix...

1) 'Jah Humphreys Dr Who Dub Explosion -. Nix Delia rmx' by S.A.S.C. vs. Nil Brooks
It covers the William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton part.
2) ' Unreal Who (I am a Timelord)' by Miguel F Ettema
It covers the John Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann part.
3) 'High Noon' by Blacker
It covers the Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith part. 

The Pictures

The pictures used for the montage (as well as those posted on here) are from the BBC's Official Doctor Who site, of course. But, to be a bit more specific with that acknowledgement, I'll also add that the ones for the first eight Doctors come from the Classic Site, the ones for the Ninth and Tenth Doctors come from here and the ones for the Eleventh Doctor are from... the Eleventh Doctor's own BBC Site.

The BBC's Doctor Who site has somehow rapidely expanded these last few years, wow!

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