23 February 2013

Why the Earth May Lock Its Pantry Door [Infographic]

When human populations begin to adversely effect the health and happiness of planet Earth, the planet often quickly responds with no-nonsense messages designed to provide humans with a crash course in manners. Just like the average human householder does not appreciate house guests who overstay their welcomes and empty the contents of their refrigerators without even asking, the Earth gets testy when treated like a free flophouse.

If current breeding trends among humans continue, Earth will be soon be playing host to more unwanted visitors than it has room for and may have to exercise tough love in getting them to move on. This may come in the guise of a worldwide agricultural collapse in which the Earth simply locks its refrigerator and cupboard doors. Because food supplies for most humans are now centralized by the use of factory farms, significant amounts of humans will be encouraged to find other dwellings in the event that the Earth overturns its welcome mat.

5 Public Health Nightmares Facing Humanity
Source: MPH Online

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