When it comes to the entertainment industry, there is something appealing about a secretive spy organization that is tasked with the responsibility of gaining intelligence and keeping the US safe. That's why CIA movies have been so popular over the years and have lead to some classic movie scenes and stories. Here are five of the top CIA movies of all time.
The Bourne Supremacy
One of Matt Damon's defining roles is that of Jason Bourne. Bourne is a member of a highly secretive government program that is aimed at creating killing machines that they can control. Bourne goes rogue and the resulting chaos is pretty entertaining to say the least. You get to see nonstop action from car chases to graphic fight scenes. This is one that completely changed the way spy films are looked at from that point on.
Charlie Wilson's War
Charlie Wilson's war is an interesting movie that covers the story of Charlie Wilson. Wilson was a Congressman who was deeply involved with the State Department, the CIA and the Pentagon. He helped conduct a covert war that affected many people around the world. It's based on a true story that has had a lasting impact even to this day. It's about the US's role in arming the mujahideen in Afghanistan. While they did help to bring down the Soviet Union, but also emerged into their own terrorist organizations with leaders like Osama bin Laden. This is a very interesting story to say the least.
The Good Shepherd
The Good Shepherd is another one of the defining movies in the CIA genre. It's about the founding of the secretive agency itself. Again starring Matt Damon (apparently he likes doing CIA movies) this movie has an all star cast of Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Alec Baldwin and others. Matt Damon gives one of his best performances in this story and shows just how secretive members of the CIA have to be in their everyday lives.
Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible is another good movie involving the CIA. In fact, the climactic scene of the movie deals with breaking into the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Tom Cruise is lowered down through the ceiling so as to avoid a pressure sensitive floor. It's pretty iconic and has been seen by millions of people around the world. Although the CIA headquarters is probably even more difficult to break into than what is shown in the movie, it still makes for some pretty entertaining movie watching.
Spy Game
Another one of the best CIA movies out there is Spy Game. This movie stars Robert Redford and Brad Pitt and gives an interesting look into the world of CIA assets and handlers. It is one of the best CIA movies ever made and turns in some great performances by Redford and Pitt. If you want to see how the agency works, this is a good one to check out. Obviously some has been embellished for Hollywood purposes, but it does give you a good idea of what they do on a regular basis.
These five movies are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to CIA movies. If you haven't seen them, start here and then branch out to the hundreds of other movies involving the CIA.
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About Today's Guest Writer:
Daniel Frye currently works as a personal bodyguard, and he has a military background as well as having spent time being employed by the government. Daniel enjoys writing about his experience in the military, government officials, and has also contributed to, "How Do I Become a CIA Agent?" for those who may be interested in serving their government in one of the most classified and secretive agencies.