TV has certainly made a huge difference to most of our lives and over the years people become addicted to certain TV shows and simply can’t go a week without seeing their favorite program. There have indeed been some absolutely fabulous programs to hit the small screen, many of which have created iconic characters, which will live on in our hearts and minds for many years to come. What follows are possibly the three greatest TV programs of all time – this isn’t personal opinion, but has been put to the vote, therefore the results are what the great viewing public love watching.
Number 3 – The Sopranos
The Sopranos actually only ran for 8 years, from 1999 to 2007, but it certainly made a huge impact on millions of people. No doubt, many people tuned in to the first episode expecting a Pavarotti-styled theme, but they were in for a shock. Viewers were greeted by a New Jersey gangster and the trials and tribulations he went through on a daily basis. The Sopranos was set in the modern day and age, so it was great to see a Godfather-esque program set in the new millennium. The Sopranos soon became famous for the creative writing, fantastic scripts and deep and dark acting. The episodes were extremely unpredictable, but were sharp and engaging for the viewing public.
Number 2 – Buffy the Vampire Slayer
When you consider that the first Buffy movie hit the big screen in 1992 and was nothing more than a moderate success, although it was panned by various critics, it’s hard to believe the TV series that followed a few years later became so big. When Buffy returned to our TV screens in 1997 worldwide “girl power” was in full flow and Sarah Michelle Gellar was the perfect embodiment of this. The mere fact that a beautiful and brainy teenage girl could kick some serious butt became essential viewing for the next 6 years. With that being said, the supporting cast received just as much adoration and worldwide fame as the lead.
Number 1 – The Simpsons
Were you really expecting any other TV show to steal the limelight? The Simpsons first appeared on our screens in 1989 and they are still going strong to this day. It originally started out as just another animated show, but was soon recognized as a brilliant family show and indeed the most popular sitcom of all time. It’s amazing how the Simpsons appeal to just about every age group and the humour and jokes will make you laugh, whether you’re young or old. The characters have become part of our own families and are instantly recognizable no matter where they go. The main focus of the show was intended to be Bart Simpson, but his entire family soon became much loved characters that they often had entire episodes based around them.
So, there you have it – the 3 greatest TV programs of all time. No real surprises in the list, although an honourable mention should go to Friends, The West Wing, 24 and Lost who were featured just outside the top 3 places – it’s also interesting to see that these programs enjoyed the vast majority of their success during the 21st century.
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About Today's Contributor
Jamie Leon works for Connex Antenna, a company that offers TV antenna installation services in Sydney. He enjoys interacting with people and helping them out with his useful tips and suggestions.