9 November 2013

Learning About Christianity [Infographic]

As Christianity has become more commercialized in society, it can be refreshing to consider some of the history behind this religion. Learning about Christianity for one's own sake and on one's own can provide an individual with a greater appreciation for how this religion has developed over the years. It can also help an individual question the religion and consider the reasons why people may feel the need to develop new denominations within this religion.

All of the basic tenets of Christianity were first recorded by the great theologian St. Augustine of Hippo. This theologian lived from 354 A.D. to 430 A.D. In early Christianity, gnosticism was also rejected. The Gnostics and Early Church Fathers engaged in debate over the meaning of Christianity. Later in 380, Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman Empire.

In the early modern era of Christianity, the religion underwent dramatic changes. Luther posted his 95 theses in 1517, and the Baptist Church was later founded in 1609. New denominations in Christianity continued to form after the Protestant Reformation.

During the modern era of Christianity, women began to have a greater involvement in religious affairs in the Christian religion. Mother Theresa founded the Missionaries of Charity in the Catholic Church. The nun went on to achieve great prominence for her charitable work and the kindness that she showed to suffering humans throughout the world. She became known for her ability to spread kindness and peace within various countries in the world.

Today, Christianity has exploded into a different brand. There are over 1,600 megachurches throughout the world. A megachurch is characterized as a Christian congregation in which over 2,000 members meet on a weekly basis. Over 71 percent of megachurches consider themselves to be evangelical. Major Christian leaders on television are often depicted as leaders of megachurches, and these individuals include names like Joel Osteen, Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.

The most recent development in Christianity has been that Pope Francis has been named as the First Pope from the Americas. This new pope is said to show compassion toward issues like poverty, and the Huffington Post reports that the motto of his archdiocese is even "Lowly but Chosen."

A Timeline of Christianity
Source: Online Christian Colleges

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