28 December 2013

Age of Information Technology, the Career Choice of a Lifetime

Age of Information Technology, the Career Choice of a Lifetime

Whether you’re a student choosing your career path or a seasoned professional looking to change directions, the IT sector should be your first choice. Because let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to pursue a career in an industry that is expanding at an exponential rate and where job opportunities are virtually unlimited?

Information Technology, or IT, is a rather broad term that covers any and all aspects related to managing, processing and storing information through the use of computers. Today, IT plays a vital function in every workplace, from hospitals and banks to manufacturing and film making.

This dependence on computers and the networks that connect them has opened up a vast range of new job opportunities, and an in depth knowledge of computers is often required even for job seekers who choose to work in other industries.

Despite the fact that unemployment rates have been consistently rising over the past few years, the tech industry remains unaffected, and has actually added over 54,000 jobs since 2009. Many IT departments are even facing a shortage of skilled workers and according to a recent survey, 46% of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are finding it increasingly difficult to find capable IT professionals.

This is excellent news for anyone hoping to find a job in this sector, but if the overflow of jobs hasn’t convinced you yet, consider another important factor—money. Salaries in the computer science and technology branch are known to be some of the world’s highest, ranging between US$50,000 and US$100,000, depending on education, experience and job description.

Of course, within the IT sector there are countless directions to take, and choosing one that suits you might be more challenging than you anticipated. To give you a quick peek into what’s in store for you, should you choose this industry; here are some of the highest paid  jobs in Information Technology.

Software developer 
As a software developer, you’ll be entrusted with designing, constructing and maintaining software. It will be your job to see what your clients need, come up with a workable solution and then design or customize software that will meet their needs. 

Software developers may often work alone, but there are also times when they will need to work together with a team. A bachelor’s degree is generally required for this position, although individuals with sufficient experience may be able to snag a job without one. The median wage for a software developer is US$87,790.

Network manager
Network managers are in charge of maintaining and operating a company’s networking technology. A network manager will work together with network architects, engineers and those who test and integrate the network systems.

Network managers are required to have ten or more years of experience in a networking environment, along with experience working with technical personnel. The salary for a network manager ranges from US$74,000 to US$98,500.

Web developer
A web developer’s primary job is the development of websites, although maintaining and customizing a website’s layout and function is also a big part of it. Web developers must learn to create user-friendly websites that easy to navigate, well-organized and up-to-date. 

A web developer can work for a company full time, be employed on a part-time basis or work as a freelancer on a contract basis. Some employers look for candidates with a bachelor’s degree, but if many web developers who have good technical skills and plenty of practical experience get by without one. The median wage is US$75,660.

Computer programmer
Computer programmers mainly write programs. Other tasks include rewriting, debugging, maintaining and testing programs and software that instructs the computer to carry out tasks and store data. A computer programmer ensures that a computer runs efficiently and performs at its best.

Although a bachelor’s degree is something many employers look for in a candidate, a two-year college degree or certificate may be sufficient. Those without experience would do well to get an internship as experience is highly valued. A computer programmers salary can be anywhere between US$40,000 to US$100,000.

About Today's Contributor
Patrick Del Rosario is part of the team behind Open Colleges, one of Australia’s pioneer and leading providers of in demand Business management courses and outstanding Human resources courses. When not working, Patrick enjoys blogging about career and business. Patrick is also a photography enthusiast and is currently running a photography studio in the Philippines. If you have a blog and would like free content. You can find him on Google+.

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