15 June 2016

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Dear Donald Trump And The Dividers: We Are Europe!

Trump is coming to Britain! He’s launching his global crusade of hate here, just when the far-right is rising and the United Kingdom could leave Europe. Let’s tell him and his European counterparts to keep their hate out of Europe -- we’ll deliver it directly to Trump and his divisive allies, and launch a world-record EU kissing relay - to flood the media with images of love and unity, not division.

Image via Avaaz.org
Trump is coming to Britain! He’s launching his global crusade of hate here, just when the far-right is rising and the United Kingdom could leave Europe. Let’s tell him and his European counterparts to keep their hate out of Europe -- we’ll deliver it directly to Trump and his divisive allies, and launch a world-record EU kissing relay - to flood the media with images of love and unity, not division. 

Dear friends across the UK, 

Guess WHO's coming here next week? 

A man who calls women “fat pigs” and refuses to rule out dropping a nuclear bomb on Europe. TRUMP himself! 

His vision of fear and violence has fueled dangerous hatred in America. Now he’s starting his crusade to bring all of this to Europe, just when the far-right is rising and the United Kingdom could vote to leave Europe. 

Boris Johnson already compared the EU to a Nazi superstate as part of his charge to split us apart, and now Trump is flying over right on the eve of the vote. 

Let’s tell them to keep their hate out of Europe -- we’ll deliver our call directly to Trump and Johnson and attempt a Guinness World Record of Kissing in London and across Europe to flood the media with images of love and unity, not division.

Not only in the US, also in Europe the far-right is rising, pulling every lever to scare us away from each other, and build walls to keep anyone that is ‘different’ out. Now their American buddy, Donald Trump, is coming over with his suitcase full of prejudice and violence.

Let’s be honest, the EU isn’t perfect, and we'll keep campaigning to make it better. But united we’ve had 70 years of peace after two devastating wars, and just imagine what else we can build if we stick together.

But if Britain leaves, it’s likely other countries will follow. And that’ll be it. If we vote to stay, it will be a red card in the face of all the Trumps and Johnsons in our world. We’ll show them that our love beats their hate, and there is more that unites us as Europeans, as humans, than divides us. 

They’re good shouters -- but if 18 million European Avaazers join together, our chorus can drown them out. So let’s say it loud and clear: the European dream is not over and we will fight for it.  Not with hate, not with lies, but with love and a calm determination to stand together. Let’s do it!

With love and respect, 
Loup Dargent
On behalf of Alex, Christoph, Marie, Spyro, René, Nick, Fatima, Mélanie and the rest of the Avaaz team


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