Showing posts with label The Raw Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Raw Story. Show all posts

10 April 2014

Germany: Two Neo-Nazis Used Sesame Street’s ‘Cookie Monster’ For Youth Recruitment


German neo-Nazis using Sesame Street’s ‘Cookie Monster’ for youth recruitment (via Raw Story )
A pair of far-right German nationalists attempted to recruit members for their neo-Nazi party at a high school in Senftenberg, Germany this week. According to the Daily Mail, one of the two men, 31-year-old Steffen Lange wore a costume of the “Sesame…

8 April 2014

WTF Moment: ‘Star Trek’ Actress "Lends" Her Gravitas To Film Promoting Idea That Sun Revolves Around Earth! [Now Updated!]

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Kate Mulgrew was misled! 
"I understand there has been some controversy about my participation in a documentary called THE PRINCIPLE. Let me assure everyone that I completely agree with the eminent physicist Lawrence Krauss, who was himself misrepresented in the film, and who has written a succinct rebuttal in SLATE. I am not a geocentrist, nor am I in any way a proponent of geocentrism. More importantly, I do not subscribe to anything Robert Sungenis has written regarding science and history and, had I known of his involvement, would most certainly have avoided this documentary. I was a voice for hire, and a misinformed one, at that. I apologize for any confusion that my voice on this trailer may have caused. Kate Mulgrew"

That's probably one of the few times in my blogging life that I am actually very happy to update/correct one of my main blog's posts. 

I've also slightly updated the title and, hopefully, it will convert the fact that Kate didn't knowingly lend her voice to the beliefs promoted in the documentary...

From what I've seen, the syndicated article from Raw Story has also been updated. Cool!

My sincere apologies to Kate Mulgrew for having temporarily doubted her! 

Live long and prosper!

Loup Dargent

PS: The "Triple FacePalm" pic is still relevant and solely directed at the people behind the so-called "documentary", so it stays!. ;-) 

‘Star Trek’ actress lends her gravitas to film promoting idea that sun revolves around Earth (via Raw Story )
A new documentary film, narrated by a former Star Trek actress, promotes the long-ago disproven idea that the sun revolves around the Earth. “Everything we think we know about our universe is wrong,” says actress Kate Mulgrew as she narrates the…

22 December 2012

Mosque arsonist tells court: ‘I only know what I hear on Fox News’


Mosque arsonist tells court: ‘I only know what I hear on Fox News’ (via Raw Story )
An Indiana man convicted of setting fire to a mosque in Ohio told a judge on Wednesday that he committed the crimes because Fox News and conservative talk radio had convinced him that “most Muslims are terrorists.” Randolph Linn, 52, accepted a plea deal in which he pled guilty to all charges in…

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