27 April 2012

Google: Behind the Numbers [Infographic]

Going online has become almost ubiquitous with using one of Google's services. The name of its search engine has followed in the footsteps of the trademarks Xerox and Kleenex and become a verb. People will often drop the fact that they are "going to Google" something into casual conversation and nobody thinks anything of it.

A substantial portion of the world's population makes multiple visits to Google every month. The amount of time that people collectively spend on Google each month is long enough for all the mammals walking on land today to have evolved. Fueling all that data use takes a tremendous amount of electric power, too.

All of that popularity has made Google a giant to contend with in the business world. The company's annual revenue exceeds the combined gross domestic product of more than two dozen countries. Much of that revenue comes from shady advertisers hawking sometimes barely legal wares.

26 April 2012

How To Survive a Nuclear Holocaust [Infographic]


A nuclear holocaust can be a challenging for many single moms and family-makers. While it can be challenging to plan in advance for a nuclear holocaust, there are several simple things that can turn the end of humanity into an enjoyable event for one's family.

It's a good idea to fabricate a bomb shelter before a nuclear holocaust. While a full-featured nuclear bomb shelter with life support systems can cost millions of dollars, it's a good investment for many families. Many nuclear bomb shelter companies offer financing plans to help split the cost of installation over a few months.

In some cases, nuclear fallout will require one's family to live underground for hundreds of years. Since this is longer than the average human lifespan, survivors must reproduce underground. To avoid incest, it's essential to invite non-relatives into one's shelter. This will help ensure that humanity can survive into the future.

25 April 2012

Magnifying the Universe [Infographic]


If you are curious about the size of the universe, you will find it useful to change your Earth-bound perspective by imagining the very smallest things and the very largest things inside it. When you gaze into the night sky, you can see the glow of the Milky Way galaxy in which we live. Beyond that, you will realize that there are other enormous galaxies surrounding us in space, each capable of hosting solar systems that may be home to alien life forms.

As you magnify the universe, you will get a feel for how big the Earth is compared to other planets in our solar system, as well as the moon of our planet compared to the moons orbiting other planets such as Mars or Jupiter. You can also begin to compare the size of smaller objects, such as the cells that make up each person’s body or the atoms that constitute the building blocks for all matter in the universe.

23 April 2012

The Science Behind Celebrity Breakdowns [Infographic]


We live in a world where millions of people are diagnosed with mental illnesses. Though most do not have public breakdowns, it should not come as a surprise that celebrity breakdowns are often the result of mental disorders.

Some breakdowns are thought to be symptoms of bipolar disorder, which is accompanied by mood swings. Obsessive-compulsive disorder can also present bizarre behavior, as is shown in the cases of Howard Hughes and Howie Mandel. It should also come as no surprise that there are plenty of celebrities who think a bit too highly of themselves, also known as narcissistic personality disorder. Celebrities are not, however, above experiencing depression and suicidal thoughts.

Some of the most popular breakdowns in entertainment news, such as Mel Gibson’s anti-Semitic, racist and sexist tirades, are thought to be related to a mental illness or personality disorder. Understanding psychology can help us understand the breakdowns of the celebrities we know and love, including Lindsay Lohan and Courtney Love.

21 April 2012

Kids Today vs. Kids of 1982 [Infographic]


Hey, remember the ‘80s?

It might be four Presidents ago, seven Olympics ago, and several questionable iterations of fashion ago, but the totally radical kids of 1982 have more in common than you think with their iPad packing equivalent of today.

Kids today are less likely to graduate, but more likely to go to college. They’re less likely to smoke cigarettes or marijuana, and they can make more money than their ‘80s counterparts.

Can we draw a line from Olivia Newton John to Adele? From Pete Rose to LeBron James? Who is the Justin Bieber of 1982? Is there be an equivalent to Michael Jackson’s Thriller today? Will the people of 2042 look back at some of our fashion the way we look back at leg warmers and big hair?

Read on to see just how far kids have come since 1982, and just how much things stay the same.

20 April 2012

Discover the Great Outdoors Made Famous By Hollywood


When City Slickers starring Billy Crystal hit the big screen in 1991, the title spoke volumes.

Here was a plot revolving around a bunch of lard-eating sissies who were afraid of the great outdoors. We laughed as three guys who spent their lives in city offices took off to try holidaying at a rodeo farm. We laughed harder as tough cowboy Curley put the soft city boys through their paces.

Hollywood brings to life the American wilderness in many of its blockbuster films and the message that goes with those movies is loud and clear. Adventure holidays bring out the man in you. Or the woman, if you to relate to the tough-talking ladies who feature in many movies and take no nonsense from the guys.

18 April 2012

The 2012 Prophesies


Over the last few years there has been plenty controversies and debates regarding what would happen in 2012.

It first started with the movie ‘2012’ which was released in 2009. The movie starts with a geologist who can see that the Earth’s core is heating up and starting to change the world’s temperature. The main part of the movie revolves around a father trying to save his children and ex-wife from the sudden change in world. This movie sparked many conversations around the world as to what could possibly happen in 2012, this became especially true with the Mayan calendar coming to an end on the 21 of December 2012. No one knows when the world will end but it sure is putting the fear in many people.

14 April 2012

Is Your Job Killing You? [Infographic]


Do you feel exhausted after work? Do you dream about escaping from a career that seems to be draining your life? If so, you are not crazy to think about the ill side effects your job may be having on your actual life and health. About 75 percent of people think that stress related to a job has increased in the past few years. In the past few years, research studies have shown that an increased level of stress at one's job can lead to illness and death. Why are we working so hard if our jobs are actually hurting us? It may be time for people to begin accepting less stressful jobs in order to prolong their lives. Certain groups of people, such as women, also face greater risks in suffering the poor side effects of a stressful job. Check out the statistics below so that you can avoid feeling burned out at your own job.

How to Become a Backyard Zookeeper [Infographic]


Many children dream of becoming a zoo keeper when they grow up. While it takes years of zoology and biology classes to become a professional zookeeper, it's possible to start your own backyard zoo in only a few days. The following guide provides simple tips and tricks for becoming a backyard zookeeper.

The average temperate forest in the United States is home to a variety of creatures. Many smaller animals can thrive in a backyard zoo. For example, the American box turtle can be a great species for a personal zoo. It's often possible to find a box turtle while hiking in the outdoors.

In addition, lizards, salamanders, frogs, mice and ducks can be a great choice for a backyard zoo. However, it's important to research an animal before making the decision to put it in a backyard zoo. Some animals may require specialized food or care for proper health.

7 April 2012

Boy "Meets" Girl: Dating in a Virtual World [Infographic]

Many of us are aware that the world of dating has changed dramatically over the last decade, but rarely do we take a real look at how it affects gender roles and how society views romance and relationships as a whole. 
This infographic explores a world where gamers marry avatars, people experience love at first sight through a computer screen, and ‘I love you’ can mean many things. Also, how have men and women changed? How important is physical attractiveness compared to personality? You may find that the answers to some of these are unexpected and very different from what many of us were brought up believing.
Try to put yourself in an objective position, and ask yourself: is a virtual beach just as fun as long as you’re with the one you love? And what would make you more likely to use these avenues of finding the one you could spend the rest of your life with? Is it okay as long as we’re happy in the end? Or is it just a way of masking insecurities, and a fear of commitment? 

5 April 2012

Darwin Awards: The Stupidest Ways People Have Died [Infographic]


People who win Darwin Awards typically have nothing to be proud of, if they are even capable of being proud. Most recipients of this award have successfully removed themselves from the gene pool by way of a stupid and needless stunt that caused their death. However, the rules say that anyone removed from the gene pool can receive a Darwin Award, so those who don't die, but who have stupidly rendered themselves sterile are also eligible.

Recipients of Darwin Awards must have caused their own death or sterility through the use of incredibly stupid judgement. They must have had their mental facilities, been mature and capable of making an intelligent choice rather than the astoundingly stupid one they made.

True Darwin Awards must always be verified by reliable sources. Urban legends don't count. This graphic takes a look at some bizarre and documented true accounts of truly stupid deaths. This is one award nobody should aspire to win.

3 April 2012

Who Are The Avengers?


The Avengers are hitting the scene but frightfully not a lot of young people know who they are or what they are about! They are the earth’s mightiest hero’s people, according to Marvel Comics that is. The Avengers started out with five members which consist of Iron Man (Tony Stark), Ant-Man (Dr. Henry Pym), Wasp (Janet Van Dyne), Thor, and the Hulk (Bruce Banner). Captain America only joined the team later when they discovered him frozen in ice and rescued him. The reason for the team up is to fight super villains who are too powerful for one superhero alone. Before they attack they shout their famous battle cry: "Avengers Assemble!”

Here is a list of the primary characters in the new movie:

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