25 May 2012

Several Easy Changes You Can Make To Zombie Proof Your Home


It’s a fact of life that we all have to accept that sooner or later the dead will rise from their unquiet slumber, gather in great mobs and storm through your town, devouring the flesh of your neighbours who, in turn, will rise and continue the slaughter until only a few plucky survivors remain.

The question is, what will you do in the face of this terrifying inevitability? Curling up into a foetal position and crying is an option, but in the end that won’t help anyone. The truth is, your own real chance is to make sure that when the zombie apocalypse does arrive, you’re prepared.

Fortunately there are a few pretty straight forward things you can do to make your house safe from the encroaching horde. The key is to make sure that your home is fortified so that the undead can’t get in, while ensuring you’re able to preserve to your resources. This can be achieved with simple tips like:

24 May 2012

Where The Fuel To Produce Electricity In The UK Comes From [Infographics]


A research done by Good Energy has found that the majority of fuel used to generate electricity in the UK is imported from a wide variety of countries across the globe

According to their figures, the UK relies on almost 40 countries across the globe for fuel to produce electricity, with only 43% of fuel coming from the UK's own resources.

The following infographics (yep, it's two for the price of one, today) show those results on a continent and country level.


Loup Dargent

22 May 2012

Personality Test for Geek and Nerds [Infographic]


It is sometimes hard to tell what personality type you are. For those who are struggling to figure out what personality tip defines them, perhaps this information can help.

Both the term geek and the term nerd have different starts. At first, geek was meant as an insult, but then became a positive saying during the time of the circus. Dr. Seuss actually brought around the term nerd in 1954 with his own original quote.

Someone who is a geek can have a lot of knowledge on a single subject, or can have a little knowledge over a wide variety of subjects. Stereotypes suggest that geeks carry a Mac computer while nerds might carry a PC. The survey suggests that nerds are more knowledge based than geeks, while geeks blend in with the in crowd slightly more. Stereotypes often suggest that while nerds are big fans of games, geeks are fans of gadgets.

Stereotypes aside, there are many things that separate a geek from a nerd. Think carefully about the two words. Which are you, a geek or a nerd?

21 May 2012

An Introduction to Reading Sheet Music – It's Not So Hard!

Reading music is one of those skills that lots of people want to be able to do. It's creative, challenging and it impresses almost everyone while helping to develop your brain. At once it's 'cool' and it's 'cultured' and without being able to read music you will be missing out on a huge aspect of life.

The good news is, that reading music isn't actually as hard as you might at first have thought, and is actually very logical. In fact it's easy enough that you can understand the basics here, so that's what we're going to do.

18 May 2012

Five Of The Best Summer Holiday Films


If anyone’s still harbouring hopes of a long hot summer in England then I take my Kiss Me Quick hat off to you sir or madam because you are a beautiful optimist that doesn’t appear to know the meaning of the word drizzle.

Of course, there will be patches of clement weather where the possibility of camping flits into our mind or there may be a break in the clouds for long enough to cobble together a quick picnic, however these moments are usually few and far between and tend to have the life expectancy of a May fly.

So, what to do on a summer’s day when you can’t go outside because it’s raining? Ah, watch a film on TV. Oh no, wait! That’s right, even your faithful servant TV is against you this year as wall to wall Euro football, Wimbledon and Olympic Games coverage is guaranteed to take precedence over any other form of televisual entertainment.

It’s up to you to legally download, order online or rent from Blockbusters (if they’re still going) a film to help you get through the dark days from June to August.

And, in the spirit of summers past, I’ve decided to share with you my very own top five list of holiday movies that are all guaranteed to help you forget about throwing frisbees, eating ice creams and Fatima Whitbread.

Long live the summer!

16 May 2012

How DNA Manipulation Will Cause The Zombie Apocalypse

Photo Credit: wvs via Flicker Creative Commons

Mary Shelley warned us years ago what could happen with her work of fiction, "The Modern Prometheus", which is better known as the novel "Frankenstein". Tampering with nature by unorthodox scientific means can produce results that may not be what the scientists intended. Is there a world of unsuspecting humans waiting for a virus to instruct their genes to mutate and pass on the virus to other hosts? The zombie apocalypse that has frightened science fiction aficionados and thrill seekers at the horror movies may already be occurring as I write these words.

15 May 2012

Three Dumbest Theories About The Environment


Climate sceptics don’t actually mind that we mock, belittle and ignore them. It feeds into that narrative they have that they’re the brave Galileo standing up to the massive, dogmatic church accusing them of heresy for their daring new ideas. Of course, there’s a few problems with this metaphor. For starters, instead of a single, monolithic church opposing the climate sceptics, there’s that vast majority of scientists, who come from a diverse range of background and have all sorts of disagreements and conflicting interests and yet somehow, are pretty much all able to agree that mankind has been causing global warming, because that’s what the evidence says. While on the side of the small, maverick group telling truth to power, there’s Fox News, huge chunks of the Republican Party and the entire fossil fuels industry.

Still, even among these crazy mavericks there are some theories that make you spit out your coffee and go “Huh?”

 Theories like:

12 May 2012

X-Ray Vision for Cell Phones Could Settle the “Hulk vs. Superman” Fight


Most of us spend a significant proportion of the allocated 24 hours that we have in a day, mulling over the real meaningful questions in life. Like for example, who’d win in a fight between The Hulk and Superman? And of course since the importance of finding out the ‘correct’ answer to the question knows no bounds, we have relentless discussions with other connoisseurs until we reach consensus. That, as we all are aware of, almost never happens. As comic book buffs we are inherently biased and always want our favorite superhero to come out on top in every single one of these parallel universe fights; or else we would dutifully throw the toys out of the pram. Mobile spy is the closest we’ve come to personally experiencing any quasi superpower; however, the X-Ray vision is set to change all that…

11 May 2012

Work Smarter, Not Harder [Infographic]


Everyone would rather be excellent rather than mediocre. We all want to do things well and to be the best at what we do. While this is a noble and life-affirming value, we sometimes push it to the point where it becomes a neurotic tendency and we become perfectionists.

When we constantly aim to be perfect, we actually get worse at what we wish to be excel in. Most work is routine; it has to be done quickly and efficiently. When you add the perfection factor, you grind productivity to a halt. Instead of becoming efficient at what you do and enjoying the rewards of that expertise and mastery, you become just the opposite—someone with an obsessive-compulsive way of doing things.

Perfectionism has three fatal flaws. One, you spend a disproportionate amount of time doing one task and falling behind on all other tasks. Two, you overdo something and pass the point when it was just right. Three, you exhaust yourself and frustrate everyone who has to work with you.

Top 5 Most Famous Fictional Goths

Nancy from The Craft

The Craft is a great film about modern day witches who can only get their powers strong enough by forming a group of four. They all start out as close friends, but Nancy, who dresses as goth as it gets, starts to become quite mean, and seems most interested in making sure that she becomes the most powerful witch. Her evil knows no bounds, and by the end of the film, she's truly gone mental. But her gothic look is one you won't forget quickly.

10 May 2012

Freeze Dried Salvation (from The Walking Dead)


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that an epically proportioned, terrifying, apocalyptic, world-ending catastrophe is about to occur. Forget about water scarcity and global warming; did you know that there are an estimated 389 billion dead people on the planet Earth?! Do you have any idea what that means?!

Obviously, it implies that the dead outnumber the living by about 55 to 1, and with those kind of odds, and with the oblivious nutjobs we have running our national defense initiatives (who haven’t answered a single one of my letters), we pretty much don’t stand a chance in hell of coming out on top in the impending zombie apocalypse. So if you have even half a brain in your head, then you’ll know like I do that the shit is about to hit the fan on Dec. 21st, just like the Mayans predicted in their fancy calendar, which just so happens to be the most accurate one ever created.

9 May 2012

USA: The Secret Side of Military Spending [Infographic]


American taxpayers provide hundreds of billions of dollars each year to fund the U.S. military and the wars it fights – more than nearly all other countries in the world combined. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq sent the defense spending skyrocketing at an astonishing rate in the past decade, and although concerns about the federal deficit have put a small dent in the military's budget, little political will exists to keep cutting military spending.

Taxpayers generally have very little idea where much of that money goes. A close look at U.S. military spending shows that a lot goes to things that would surprise many taxpayers.

Just about everybody is aware of the debate of the value of spending billions to wage war in Afghanistan and Iraq, but many don't know that local graft and corruption suck up a lot of those dollars. Defense companies and lobbyists, too, profit millions from U.S. military spending.

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